All tumbling classes are 1 hour. The class will focus on increasing flexibility tumbling. The stretching will prepare the dancers to do needles, heel stretches, leg holds, scorpions, splits, and aide in tumbling. Dancers will learn to do back bends, cartwheels, round offs, other basic tumbling skills in the lower level classes. Tumbling skills such as aerials, front walkovers, back walkovers, back handsprings, and back tucks will be worked on in the upper level classes. Class level placement must be approved by the tumbling coach.
What To Wear
It is important for students to wear proper dance attire and shoes so the teacher can critic the dancers’ proper form and alignment and to prevent injury. Long hair is required to be pulled back away from the face. Dangling jewelry is not permitted. Students may wear any color leotard, sports bra, fitted tank, dance pants, hot shorts, etc. This class will be done barefoot.
Miss Kayte